Kajeje Elise
Kajeje Elise is 49 years old and belongs to the Mushi ethnic tribe from Kabare…
Kajeje Elise is 49 years old and belongs to the Mushi ethnic tribe from Kabare…
Tumbwine is a 51-year-old single mother who was born in Uganda and lives in Nyarugunda…
My name is Shulungu Feza Rachel from Beni Congo. “In 2016, the brutality of the…
Beatrice is a seamstress from Beni, Congo. The city where the massacre continues to this…
My name is Noella Mukulima and I am from Congo. When war broke out in…
Mama Charlie, a Congolese woman from Equateur Province, used to work in Bukavu before the…
“My name is Blandine Kokusa, I am Congolese. When war broke out in my village,…