Father’s Love by Elia Mambo is 100 cm in height and 100 cm in width. In African societies where many boys grow up fatherless due to abandonment or death during war, this painting reflects the preciousness of African Fathers who are present in the lives of their children.
$100.00$180.0044% offFATHER’S LOVE
$100.00$180.0044% off -
This painting titled “Mother’s Love” is 120 cm in height and 90 cm width and is the work of a future great young painter, Elia Mambo, who escaped the war-torn lands of the Democratic Republic of Congo. His determination to create a new life in Uganda is reflected in his craft. Mother’s Love is an unconditional spirit bounded in an eternal bond.
This piece is an excellent addition to a wall in a home or office.
$150.00$250.0040% offMOTHER’S LOVE
$150.00$250.0040% off -